Monday, January 9, 2012

How Do I Select a Therapist or Counselor? [Ask Lifehacker]

How Do I Select a Therapist or Counselor? Dear Lifehacker,
Things have been really rough for me lately, and I'm thinking about talking to a professional. The trouble is, when I search for therapists and counselors, I get dozens of names with dozens of different titles, like "counselor," "psychologist," "psychiatrist," "therapist," "social workers," and more. How do I pick the right one, and how do I decide who to see?
Need Help Getting Help

Photo by JD Hancock.

Dear Need Help Getting Help,
First of all, congratulations and more power to you for taking a very big and brave step. Deciding that the issues you face are more than you can handle alone is a a very difficult decision to make, but it ultimately puts you on the path to better mental health in general. You're making a big step to a happier, healthier you, and we support that. Now, let's help you get on your way, shall we?

How Do I Select a Therapist or Counselor?

What Do All of These Titles and Acronyms Mean?

It can be confusing when you initially search for counselors or therapists and you come up with a multiple titles, and people with different acronyms after their names, no doubt. Here's the breakdown of the ones you're probably seeing, and what they mean.

  • Social Workers are a group of mental health professionals (often members of the National Association or Social Workers) who can have differing credentials and responsibilities depending on the type of social work they choose to do. In some cases, a social worker can be a volunteer or someone with minimal training, but more often, social workers has a masters degree in social work or a related field, and serve in many communities as the first line of mental health support where psychologists or counselors are hard to come by. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) or Licensed Social Worker (LSW) often works to support families hurt by domestic abuse, sexual abuse, substance abuse, and other issues. Social workers also assist individuals work employment related issues, financial trouble, or any other day-to-day stressors and issues that may be disruptive to your life and intersect with social issues, like the stress surrounding a foreclosure, job loss, death in the family, and more. In many cases, social workers are the first people available on crisis hotlines and company-offered mental health services.
  • Counselors and Therapists are terms that are most often used interchangeably, and reference the same type or mental health professional. They usually describe someone who is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and has obtained a master's degree in counseling, psychology, or a related field. It's worth noting that the term "therapist" can describe any mental health professional that spends their time speaking to patients, regardless of their official title and qualifications.
  • Psychologists are people who have a doctorate, are licensed and certified in the jurisdiction they choose to operate in, and you may see them with the acronym LCP (Licensed Clinical Psychologist) after their name in addition to a PhD or a PsyD. Psychologists are trained to work in clinical, research, and medical environments as well as with patients who need therapy. Don't think that when you see "psychologist" that they're someone who's out of reach when you're looking for someone to talk to. It's important to note that psychologists are the mental health personnel that are trained to test for and officially diagnose mental illnesses, whereas counselors and social workers can only suggest those conditions exist, and refer you to a psychologist for additional testing.
  • Psychiatrists are medical doctors who also have doctorates, but differentiate themselves from psychologists because they are M.D.s and the ability to prescribe medication. Unlike psychologists, they may or may not be trained to provide therapy or to interact directly with patients. Psychologists often refer patient cases to psychiatrists when they believe that medication will help their condition, or at least ask a psychiatrist to prescribe medication on their behalf, even if the psychiatrist never actually speaks to the patient.

Photo by Athanasia Nomikou/Shutterstock.

How Do I Select a Therapist or Counselor?

Which Type of Provider Should I Make an Appointment to See?

The answer to this question depends heavily on the issues you're facing. If you feel like you're just really stressed out and you're having real difficulty dealing with the day to day, or if something specific has happened in your life that's turned your world upside down, your first and possibly best option may be to see a licensed social worker or counselor. Many social workers are available through company insurance programs, Employee Assistance Programs, and mental health hotlines.

In most cases, a social worker or counselor will be an affordable and qualified voice to listen to your issues and refer you for additional treatment if you need to see a psychologist or psychiatrist, or make an educated decision as to whether your condition is one that demands more intensive treatment or therapy. Again, it's important to note that the term "therapist" can apply to almost anyone (although it's most commonly used to describe a counselor), and social workers can also have office hours where you can schedule an appointment to sit down and talk.

Alternatively, if you're concerned that your issue is medical, like you're worried that you may be clinically depressed, have ADHD, or suffering from another disease that demands immediate treatment and not just therapy, you may want to skip the social worker or counselor (although they can still provide a valuable referral) and schedule an appointment to see a psychologist directly.

Photo by Becky Wetherington.

How Do I Choose a Provider?

Choosing a mental health professional to see is much like choosing a doctor. In some cases, it can come down to word of mouth?if you have a friend or family member who has had good experiences with a specific counselor or psychologist, it might be a good idea to contact them and see if they can assist you. Many of us however have to operate in the confines of what our health insurance will provide, and insurance coverage for mental health services can vary widely from provider to provider. Here's what you need to do.

  1. How Do I Select a Therapist or Counselor?Check your health insurance. What does your health insurance policy say? You may be limited to certain types of providers, and most insurance policies pay for mental health services on a sliding scale, where they'll pay more for the first few visits, and over time you take on more of the financial burden. Medications may be covered under your prescription plan, but you may want to check before you get anything filled at a pharmacy. Your insurance provider may also have a directory or search tool to help you find mental health professionals in your area that work with them to handle paperwork and payment. You can also check The American Psychological Association's psychologist locator to find professionals near you.
  2. If you don't have insurance, look into social workers and counselors available in your community at community health centers, local non-profits, and organizations that are able to help or centered around helping people with the issues you're facing, or nearby schools and universities. Keep in mind though that while these may be more affordable, their staffs are usually overloaded with cases and there may be long waiting lists before you can see someone. Don't be discouraged, keep looking, and broaden your search?treat your mental health like any other aspect of your health. If you had a disease, you wouldn't stop looking for someone to see you just because the doctor's in your town were unavailable?the same should be true for your mental health. Take it just as seriously.
  3. Make a short-list of counselors, social workers, or psychologists that you're thinking of seeing, either based on their proximity to your home or office, their office hours, their compatibility with your health insurance, or recommendations by others.
  4. How Do I Select a Therapist or Counselor?Pick up the phone. Now you want to speak to each candidate on your list, or at least someone from their office. If you're calling a practice that has several people working in it, expect your call to be handled like any other doctor's office. You'll likely get a receptionist or administrative staffer who can tell you when available appointments are, what you're looking at in terms of a co-pay, and how frequently you'd be able to meet with the specialist you want to speak to. You may also be able to give them a general idea of what your concern is, and they may be able to tell you if the person you'd like to see is experienced in that matter. If you're calling a private practice or a counselor who works from a home office, you'll likely have the opportunity to speak directly to them. Make sure you get the same answers when you do, especially with regard to whether or not they can work with your insurance (many private therapists leave the paperwork up to you) and whether they can help with your situation. Don't forget to ask about the details: the therapist's education and license, their experience and history, and their philosophies towards mental health and illness?specifically what you're dealing with.
  5. Make an educated decision. Once you've spoken to a few candidate, weigh your options like you would if you were interviewing someone for a job. After all, you're about to pay them money to help you with a task you need help with, they should all put their best foot forward, make you comfortable with the thought of speaking with them, and give you an idea whether or not they can help you or see you as often as you'd like. Then double-check with your insurance company that the nitty-gritty of payment and paperwork will either be easy for you to handle, or that they don't have a problem working with the therapist's office.
  6. If all else fails, go with your gut. If all of the data looks the same, pick the person you were the most comfortable talking to on the phone, or who seemed the most interested in you and your situation. After all, this person will be charged with helping you live a healthier, happier life?you definitely want to work with someone you're comfortable with, even if someone else may have more experience or better office hours.

Photo by Ken Banks.

Hopefully we've given you some information that can help you cut through the confusing names, titles, and the sometimes difficult process involved with finding someone to talk to, whether they're a social worker, counselor, or a psychologist. The process can be confusing, but that doesn't mean it should be a barrier to entry. Consider which type of professional is best qualified to meet your needs, and treat the process like you're hiring someone for a very important job?because that's exactly what you're doing.

Once you find a professional to see, you can make a judgement call as to whether or not they're the right professional. Sometimes you may need to part ways with a therapist and go back to step one and look for someone new. Don't let that discourage you?just like choosing a doctor, not all patients and therapists match up, and you may have to speak with or visit more than one before you find someone right for you. These suggestions from can help you once you've made an appointment. Don't give up, and all the best to you!


PS - Do you have any additional tips for Need Help Getting Help? Are you a mental health professional with some additional suggestions to help them find the right person to work with? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


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