Monday, January 21, 2013

How to Record Games - Video Recording and Editing - BattleStrats ...

When I started my YouTube account back in 2009, I really had no idea how to do anything with videos. Capturing, editing, publishing, tags...nothing. It has been a long road of searching and investigating to make it where I am currently. I still have much to learn and I continue to gather information almost daily. This is a hobby that I thoroughly enjoy and I am writing this to hopefully make it easier on anyone out there who is considering starting up a page.

This first entry will be about MONEY!! Cause everyone needs it.

Can you make money from videos? In short, yes. As with just about anything, there is a lot of work involved and it is a long battle uphill.

2 Places to register:

YouTube: Of course just about everyone and their mother knows about YouTube. This makes the site extremely popular and great for getting noticed and gain popularity. The site is also top notch and features regular updates and upgrades for users.

Revenue Sharing: YouTube features a "Partnership Program" that users can apply for. If accepted, users have the ability to have ads placed on their videos and channel. Revenue from these ads are shared between Google and the user. The Partnership Program is EXTREMELY difficult to be accepted into. I personally have applied and been denied on multiple occasions. Google has no support to discuss issues with why a applicant is denied, and the email they send for your refusal is very generic.

Individual Revenue Sharing: Sometimes Google rejects someone into the partnership program but allows them to take part in revenue sharing on individual videos. If users have a video that has several views and comments in a short period of time, then occasionally an email is generated and sent to the users to apply for revenue sharing on that one particular video. Videos that are accepted can do fairly well when it comes to income, especially if you have several videos that are in the program. Just because users receive an application invitation, it certainly does not mean that they will be accepted. YouTube is VERY VERY VERY Strict when it comes to accepting videos into the program and they don't seem to like videos that feature gameplay, although many game directors like myself claim these fall under fair use. (Anyways not gonna get into that) Thats why I started creating some video tutorials that didn't feature gameplay, but instead featured me in front of my camcorder. It isn't because I wanted to show myself to the world, just that I wanted videos accepted into the program.

Sometimes videos are rejected even though you own the rights to all of the content in the video. The other day for instance I received a message telling me they wanted more information about my rights to show screenshots from BattleStrats (Which I Co-own). So sometimes, just your word isn't enough even though other times it is. There really doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. Again, if you are rejected there is no way to appeal the ruling or to find out exactly why it was rejected which makes the process very frustrating.

Blip TV is a service that is very similar to YouTube. Blip has several great features that YouTube doesn't have for creators. Blip gives users the ability to upload their own thumbnails for the video Still and more importantly, gives users the ability to enable revenue sharing on their videos with no crazy applications. Blip shares the revenue 50/50 with the user.

Directors have many options when it comes to ads. Want to take full advantage of revenue possibilities? Then turn all ads on. Users can turn on Pre-Roll ads (Ads that take up the full screen and show for 15-30 seconds normally before a video begins playing) Banners (Ads that appear usually in a small rectangle box that pops up during a video) Post Roll (Same as Pre-Roll ads except they show at the end of the video) Mid-Roll Ads (Ads that appear like Pre-Rolls during the middle of a clip. Must be atleast 15 minutes in length)

YouTube pays once per month if users reach a certain amount of income, but Blip only pays once every quarter which means a much longer waiting period. Blip also doesn't have as many features as YouTube does when it comes to viewer interaction with the video and director. Channels are more annotations....view count...etc. And with Blip having a much smaller user base than YouTube, it makes getting views (And income for that matter) a much more time consuming process.....


Users take advantage of the Embedded video player Blip Offers. The Embedded video allows users to place their videos on other websites where users can view them without having to be on Blip's website. Income is related to the number of views a video receives, therefore there is an incentive to get your video seen by as many users as possible.

So then the question becomes, who is going to let me embed my videos onto another website?
Answer: BattleStrats

If you are a user who creates high quality gaming videos that are educational, and we have a strategy guide for it, then we want your videos. If accepted, the videos will be embedded here on the site in the appropriate area. The revenue you generate on ads from Blip is entirely yours, BattleStrats simply hosts your video and gives you a place to promote your work and generate popularity and income while educating the gaming community.

Warning Notes:
As I stated in the beginning of this, generating income with videos is very hard work and it is not in any way shape or form a get rich quick. Users must respect copyright laws and the terms of use for any site you sign up for. Never upload a video unless you own the rights to the content.

Steps to getting featured on Videos featured on BattleStrats

*Video must be high quality. No Video Camera or webcam footage will be allowed.
*Must have commentary and be informative
*Must be a game that we currently have a strategy guide for

What to do:

I encourage users to use both Blip and YouTube, and we would like you to send us the link to both sites with your video. We would appreciate if you would put the following in your description.

This video is featured on We also ask that you mention BattleStrats either by using one of our Intro and Outro videos that you can find in the forums in the Video forum : Or users can mention BattleStrats during the video or simply throw up a text somewhere in the clip for the site address. It can be very short and doesn't need to be displayed the whole time throughout the video.

A lot of people will want to know one question: How much money can you make doing this?

Due to restrictions, you cannot discuss specifics of income. I will tell you that I have been signed up on Blip.TV for 2 weeks now and I have been very encouraged by the amount of income I have generated. Once again however, this took a very long time to transfer all of my videos and I have around 100 videos on blip now. The more videos you make...more you promote it..more possibilities you have to generate money with your creations. I will get into those tips in later articles, but BattleStrats is a wonderful tool to help generate views.

The next few articles will go in depth on how to record footage in detail and put all the pieces together.


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