Monday, July 15, 2013

Login dialog for Windows Phone apps


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[[Category:XAML]][[Category:UI on Windows Phone]][[Category:Windows Phone]][[Category:Code Examples]][[Category:Security on Windows Phone]][[Category:Windows Phone 7.5]][[Category:Windows Phone 8]]


[[Category:UI on Windows Phone]][[Category:Security on Windows Phone]][[Category:Windows Phone 7.5]][[Category:Windows Phone 8]][[Category:XAML]][[Category:Code Examples]]


{{SeeAlso|* [[How to encrypt your application data in Windows Phone]]}}




* [[How to encrypt your application data in Windows Phone]]}}


{{Abstract|Certain applications may need access control because of the sensitive data they store. This article shows how to create a login dialog for protected access to this application/data.}} ?


{{Abstract|Certain applications may need access control because of the sensitive data they store. This article shows how to create a login dialog for protected access to this application/data.}} ?


Latest revision as of 14:27, 15 July 2013

Certain applications may need access control because of the sensitive data they store. This article shows how to create a login dialog for protected access to this application/data.

Article Metadata

Code Example
Tested with

SDK: Windows Phone SDK 7.1


Platform(s): Windows Phone 7.5 and later


Keywords: popup dialog, login dialog, password, authentication

[edit] Introduction

Implementing a login dialog as a page in Windows Phone poses a problem: it's a bit difficult to get the navigation stack in order and fulfill the store requirements regarding navigation. This is partly because there is no method to exit an app in case of a wrong password. It's necessary to remove the login page from the page stack (using NavigationService.RemoveBackEntry, a method added in Mango) so that the app can be ended without going over the login page again when pressing the back button.

[edit] Solution

An easier way is to use a dynamically created popup on top of the main page.


As illustrated below, the popup is created in the Loaded handler of the page:

private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (!app.IsAuthenticated)
p = new Popup();
ApplicationBar.IsVisible = false;
// Set where the popup will show up on the screen.
p.VerticalOffset = 60;
p.HorizontalOffset = 25;
Border border = new Border();
border.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
border.BorderThickness = new Thickness(5.0);
StackPanel panel1 = new StackPanel();
panel1.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
panel1.Width = LayoutRoot.ActualWidth - 2 * p.HorizontalOffset;
Button button1 = new Button();
button1.Content = "OK";
button1.Margin = new Thickness(5.0);
button1.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(loginbutton_Click);
TextBlock textblock1 = new TextBlock();
textblock1.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
if (app.FirstRun)
textblock1.Text = "Please enter your choice of a password:";
textblock1.Text = "Please enter your password";
textblock1.Margin = new Thickness(5.0);
textblock1.FontSize = 30;
textblock1.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
pb = new PasswordBox();
pb.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(pb_KeyDown);
if (app.FirstRun)
TextBlock textblock2 = new TextBlock();
textblock2.TextWrapping = textblock1.TextWrapping;
textblock2.Margin = textblock1.Margin;
textblock2.FontSize = textblock1.FontSize;
textblock2.Foreground = textblock1.Foreground;
textblock2.Text = "Please repeat the password";
pb2 = new PasswordBox();
border.Child = panel1;
// Set the Child property of Popup to the border
// which contains a stackpanel, textblock and button.
p.Child = border;
// Open the popup.
p.IsOpen = true;
// Set the data context of the listbox control to the sample data
DataContext = App.ViewModel;

The evaluation of the password happens in the login (OK) button handler, shown below. Please note that not matching password on the first run let the user reenter again.

private void loginbutton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Close the popup.
p.IsOpen = false;
if (app.FirstRun)
if (!pb.Password.Equals(pb2.Password))
MessageBox.Show("The passwords do not match. Please try again.");
p.IsOpen = true;
pb.Password = "";
pb2.Password = "";
app.PwdHash = CryptoUtil.GetHashCode(pb.Password);
app.IsAuthenticated = true;
app.FirstRun = false;
app.IsAuthenticated = CryptoUtil.GetHashCode(pb.Password).CompareTo(app.PwdHash) == 0;
if (app.IsAuthenticated)
DataContext = App.ViewModel;
ApplicationBar.IsVisible = true;
tb = new TextBlock();
tb.Text = "Wrong password.";
tb.FontSize = 36;
tb.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
tb.Margin = new Thickness(12);
tb.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 2);
ApplicationBar.IsVisible = true;
(ApplicationBar.MenuItems[0] as ApplicationBarMenuItem).IsEnabled = false;
DataContext = null;

Pressing the enter key on the password box imitates clicking the login button.

void pb_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Enter) // Enter equal OK button
loginbutton_Click(this, new RoutedEventArgs());

When the Back hardware key is pressed and the popup is open, the password check has to be executed.

private void PhoneApplicationPage_BackKeyPress(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
if (p.IsOpen)
{ // if the popup is still there... emulate OK button click
loginbutton_Click(this, new RoutedEventArgs());
e.Cancel = true;

During the first run of the app a password is queried from the user. The password itself is not stored in the application, rather it's hash code is stored. On successive occasions, the hash for the entered password is calculated and compared to the stored hash value. See How to encrypt your application data in Windows Phone.

[edit] Sample Code

The code for the login dialog has been added to the sample from the How to encrypt your application data in Windows Phone article.


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