Friday, August 31, 2012

Movie audiences find anti-Obama doc '2016'

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? It wasn't backed by any Hollywood movie studio. Reviews were mostly negative. It premiered in Houston, not Los Angeles or New York. And yet despite the unconventional release of "2016: Obama's America," the movie is now among the most successful political documentaries of all time ? and it doesn't show signs of cooling down ahead of the presidential election.

The conservative film exploring the roots of President Barack Obama's political views surprised the film industry when it took in $6.5 million to land at No. 7 at last weekend's domestic box office ahead of three new releases: the Joseph Gordon-Levitt action flick "Premium Rush," the Kristen Bell comedy "Hit and Run" and the Ashley Greene horror film "The Apparition."

That makes "2016" the most successful conservative documentary of all time. It's also the sixth overall highest grossing political documentary behind four Michael Moore movies and former Vice President Al Gore's environmental film "An Inconvenient Truth." It all adds up to a remarkable triumph for an indie film that circumvented the liberal waters of Hollywood.

The film has continued to do well during the slower weekday period, especially considering that it's been up against the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. Since last weekend, it earned an additional $6.6 million for a total of $13.1 million, placing No. 3 at the domestic box office on Thursday. This weekend, the film expands from 1091 screens to nearly 1,800.

Distributed by Salt Lake City-based Rocky Mountain Pictures, "2016" is directed by Dinesh D'Souza, a former staffer for President Ronald Reagan who is now president of King's College in New York and author of several books, including "The Roots of Obama's Rage," the basis for "2016" that claims Obama's beliefs are rooted in the anti-colonialism of his late father, a Kenyan academic who was largely absent from the president's life.

The film premiered July 13 on one screen in Houston and slowly expanded over the past month to 1,091 theaters in such cities as Nashville, Tenn.; Baton Rouge, La.; Denver; Phoenix; Wichita, Kan.; and Washington, D.C. MJM Entertainment's Mark Joseph, who is handling the film's marketing, attested that "2016" had to be promoted differently than typical Hollywood fare.

"You can't just throw up your star on Thursday night on a talk show," said Joseph. "That's not how this works. The traditionalist audience needed to hear about the film much sooner than what Hollywood is used to doing. It's also important that they heard about it from people that they trust and admire. It's a different way of engaging the audience."

Joseph and the film's co-director, John Sullivan, launched a stealthy campaign for the film that attracted the attention and support of right-wing superstars like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Buzz for the movie simmered over the summer, bubbling up last weekend before the Republican convention kicked off Tuesday.

"Timing is everything," said Greg Mueller, a conservative strategist whose public relations firm is promoting "The Hope and The Change," a film about voters who formerly supported Obama that debuted Tuesday at the Republican convention and is now available on DVD. "Timing is everything in politics. It's even more important in political documentaries."

"Fahrenheit 9/11," director Michael Moore's assault on President George W. Bush, opened at No. 1 with $23.9 million in June 2004, averaging $27,558 in 868 theaters. It went on to become the top-grossing documentary ever released with $119.1 million domestically, a world away from "2016's" haul so far.

While the release of "2016" just before the Republican convention and its portrait of a gloomy future if Obama is re-elected might make the film feel like an hour-and-a-half-long political ad, the "2016" filmmakers said they only received funding from private investors, not the Republican party, and the movie's proceeds aren't headed to Mitt Romney's presidential bid.

"We wanted none of their involvement," said Gerald Molen, the film's Montana-based producer who previously worked on such mainstream Hollywood movies like "Days of Thunder" and "Jurassic Park," and who won an Oscar for "Schindler's List" in 1993. "It wouldn't have made sense to do that." He added that the film's estimated $2.5 million budget only came from about two dozen donors supporting D'Souza.

Hollywood has long been inspired by the political process, and such an affinity usually burns brighter during election season when audiences are attuned to politics, whether it's through recent fictional fare like the USA miniseries "Political Animals" and the Will Ferrell comedy "The Campaign" or Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11," which came out before the 2004 election.

Alex Ben Block, a senior editor at The Hollywood Reporter doesn't think that "2016" will usher in a new era for right-wing films, but he believes the unexpected success of the conservative film might encourage likeminded filmmakers to carve out a similar path in landscape that was previously dominated by more liberal filmmakers like Moore. Ultimately, Block said moviegoers will vote at the box office with their dollars.

"'2016' has succeeded, but it's going to be very hard to duplicate," said Block. "These things are driven by politics and passion. They're driven by people who are trying to be noticed and make their point. It's a powerful combination when you have a documentary that can be both commercial and have a point of view."

Although "2016" has obviously found fans, most critics haven't been kind to the film. Newsday's Rafer Guzman called it an "attempt at character assassination." The Arizona Republic's Bill Goodykoontz deemed it "an exercise in preaching to the choir." The Los Angeles Times' Betsy Sharkey lambasted "2016" for being a "sluggish film" whose "outrage falls flat."

"I think '2016' has a nice gimmick because it purports to show what the future will look like right there in the title," said film critic Ben Mankiewicz, who dismissed the film as an actual documentary and is unsure what its unexpected success means for the film industry. "I think it is another reminder of how many people in this country find Obama so shockingly unlikesome that they are seemingly ready to believe the most nonsensical theories about him."

Many of the assertions D'Souza makes in the film to support his point that Obama's presidency is an expression of his father's third-world political beliefs don't hold up, including that Obama removed a bust of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill from the Oval Office because Churchill represented British colonialism and that Obama has "done nothing" to impede Iran's nuclear ambitions. And there are other instances where the film takes liberties with the facts.

"I don't necessarily agree with everything that's in the movie," said Arthur Hobbs, a retired engineer who caught a Monday matinee of the film in Los Angeles with his wife after reading about it online. "But I do think that we really don't know everything about Obama, even after he's been in office for four years. I think that's why we needed to see this movie."

Molen said he expected the bad reviews. The filmmakers, who plan to expand the film to even more cities in the coming weeks and keep it in theaters until early October, aren't fazed by any negative reaction. They just hope now that conservative audiences have found "2016," perhaps left-leaning moviegoers will be curious enough to buy a ticket.

"My wish is that people see the film and make an informed decision," said Molen. "I would love people to see the film and come out of it saying, 'I need to know more. I need to find out more about this country and what we're designing for our kids, grandkids and great grandkids.' I just want this film to spark an interest in people to find out more."


Follow AP Entertainment Writer Derrik J. Lang on Twitter at


Associated Press writer Beth Fouhy contributed to this story from Washington.


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Eagle Pass Business Journal ? Mass Deportation Could Cost Texas ... illustration by: Caleb Bryant Miller / Todd Wiseman

By: Juli?n Aguilar

A study released Thursday by the Center for American Progress concludes that the Texas economy would suffer a net economic loss in the billions if group deportations of illegal immigrants occurred at even moderate levels.

The progressive think tank concluded that even if as few as 15 percent of Texans living in the state illegally were removed at once, it would mean an annual $11.7 billion loss for Texas? gross state product, increasing to more than $77 billion if all 1.65 million estimated illegal immigrants were removed from the state.

There are currently 24.3 million Texans, about 6.8 percent of whom are illegal immigrants, according to the center, which uses 2010 population estimates by the American Community Survey and the U.S. Census Bureau. It also uses data from the Pew Hispanic Center to determine the illegal immigrant population.

The study also estimates that removing the illegal immigrants would result in a loss of about $14.5 billion in annual tax revenue for the state, about 7.6 percent of the total tax revenue. Legal immigrants contribute about $18.4 billion in tax revenue.

The center said the purpose was to provide a ?shock analysis? ? an estimate to spell out in black-and-white terms what the effects of hardline deportation policies could be.

?This so-called shock analysis is difficult in that there is no magic wand that can be waved that says, ?Okay, well 15 percent of the workforce is gone or 100 percent of the workforce is now legal,? said Marshall Fitz, the center?s director of immigration policy. ?Both are going to take processes that take time, and the way this analysis works is it has to be a snapshot basis.?

The purpose of the study, Fitz added, is to say, ?If that?s really your goal then look what your goal is, your goal would create this huge hole in the state economy.?

The center?s data comes in an election year in which immigration, legal and illegal, and its effect on the economy have been thrust into the spotlight as unemployment remains steady and illegal immigration in the country continues to decline.

It also comes on the heels of the Obama administration?s deferred action policy initiative that would allow certain immigrants in the country illegally to apply for legal work authorization and a two-year reprieve from deportation proceedings. The president said in June it was a ?stopgap? measure until Congress passes comprehensive immigration reform, but some groups are expressing discontent at the number of work permits that could be granted as a result of the policy.

Targeting the issue of creating a larger workforce is NumbersUSA, which describes itself as a coalition of? ?moderates, conservatives and liberals working for immigration numbers that serve America?s finest goals.? In a news release Tuesday, it announced a media blitz during the national Republican and Democratic conventions. The goal is to highlight that 1.5 million bachelor?s degree holders in the country 25 or younger, 54 percent of the overall total, were unemployed or underemployed in 2011.

?Both political parties have had a tin ear to the plight of America?s kids ? and their parents ? who have gone to the effort and expense to gain a college education but encountered an economy unable to use them,? NumbersUSA President Roy Beck said in a prepared statement. ?The job picture is even worse for young Americans with only a high school degree. The last thing our?graduates need right now is more job competition.?

In the Center for American Progress? study, however, author and UCLA professor Ra?l Hinojosa-Ojeda posits that legalizing illegal immigrants would actually be a job creator and a boon to the state?s economy.

?Undocumented immigrant workers earn about 18 percent less in wages than legal workers. A program that required all undocumented immigrants to earn legal status would increase employment compensation and employment in the state by closing the wage gap between documented and undocumented workers,? he writes, estimating that wages in the state could increase by about $9.7 billion.

Legalization would also create about 193,000 jobs, Fitz said, because of increased spending that would result in a need to hire personnel to meet demand in industries like retail, construction and automotive.

?Should immigrants be advantaged over U.S. citizens or undocumented immigrants over legal permanent residents? Absolutely not, but it begs the question: What do you do to make the economy better for everybody, and is it better for everybody to try to remove these people?? he said. ?Or is it better to try and put them on legal footing where their wages go up??

Reprinted by permission of The Texas Tribune

August 31st, 2012 | News


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Afghanistan helicopter crash kills 2 NATO troops

KABUL, Afghanistan ? The international military coalition in Afghanistan says two international service members have been killed in a helicopter crash in the country's south.

NATO forces said in a statement that they had no reports of enemy activity in the area where the helicopter crashed Thursday.

The statement does not provide further details on the incident nor the nationality of the dead. At least 54 international service members have been killed in Afghanistan so far this month.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Self Improvement ? The Best Methods Of Saving Money

Good nutrition is an important part of healthy living, but it can be difficult to eat properly in a world full of artificial and processed foods. Fad diets, nutritional supplement claims, and TV diet experts add to the confusion. The tips that follow, however, will provide some sound advice and help to dispel some myths about nutrition.

You should try to eat more home cooked meals rather than picking up fast food or going to a restaurant. Generally, restaurant meals have more salt, fat and sugar, and you can enjoy a healthier meal by eating at home. Eating at home also sets a good example for your family; you can save going out to eat for special events and occasions.

A commonly overconsumed mineral in the modern American diet is sodium. While a certain amount of sodium in the diet is vital to continued nervous system function, it is important to not eat too much, as it can lead to high blood pressure. The easiest place to cut it out is with eliminating fast food.

When considering your nutrition intake at a fast food restaurant, what may seem like the lesser of two evils may not always be the healthiest. Chicken often times ends up having more sodium and calories than a burger due to toppings such as ranch and additions such as bacon. If you feel as though you must satisfy a fast food craving, be sure to check the nutrition chart first.

If you are trying to eat a healthy diet and are trying to decide on a restaurant, you may want to look online before heading out for dinner. Many restaurants now post their menus online so you can look at the options that they have available before you even leave your home.

Getting proper nutrition is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, but it can be difficult to eat right in today?s fast-paced, fast-food world. However, following the advice you read in this article can help you avoid some common nutrition mistakes and stay on the road to better living through healthier eating.

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Ford breaks ground on new plant in eastern China

(AP) ? Ford Motor Co. is developing a lower-priced small car for the Chinese market but has no plans to start a separate, cheaper brand in China as rivals General Motors and Volkswagen have.

Ford executives discussed their plans during a three-day tour that ended Wednesday at the groundbreaking of a new assembly plant in the eastern city of Hangzhou. The $760 million plant, which is Ford's first plant on the populous east coast of China, is expected to open in 2015.

"Hangzhou is really critical because of the market it serves, and it diversifies our operations," CEO Alan Mulally said after shoveling some dirt in a ceremony with local officials. He said the city has good infrastructure and a trained workforce that will help Ford expand.

Ford won't say what it plans to build there, but Ford China CEO Dave Shoch confirmed this week that a new small car similar to the Chevrolet Sail will be among the eight vehicles Ford is bringing to China by 2015.

Ford's growth in China has been stymied by two things: It has just seven vehicles on sale here, compared with 30 for GM, and those it sells are relatively expensive. The Sail starts at around $10,000. Ford's cheapest offering right now, the subcompact Ford Fiesta, starts at $13,316.

"I think Ford cars are safe. The material they use is good and thick, not like the Japanese cars. But the price is pretty expensive," said Su Xiaoling, 31, a sales manager at a real estate company in Shanghai.

Ford executives hope to start changing that perception next year, with the launch of the lower-priced EcoSport and Kuga small SUVs. The new small car will go on sale sometime in the next three years.

"We do recognize that we have been playing at the higher end," Shoch said.

Ford Asia Pacific chief Joe Hinrichs says the company learned a lot from the development of the Figo, a $6,800 subcompact it sells in India. But Ford won't sell the Figo, which is smaller than the Fiesta, in China, Hinrichs said, in part because it's a right-hand drive car.

One thing the company won't do to attract more price-sensitive buyers is form a cheap, Chinese-only brand. Most of Ford's rivals ? including GM, Volkswagen and Nissan ? have established lower-priced brands in the last year at the request of the Chinese government, which has gotten increasingly concerned that Chinese car companies are falling behind their foreign rivals.

Hinrichs said Ford is studying whether to form a new brand, but thinks China, which has more than 100 car companies, has too many brands already. So far, the government has approved Ford's growth plans without insisting on a new brand, he said.

Ford is in the midst of its biggest production expansion in 50 years in China. It broke ground on a $600 million plant in the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing on Monday and on Tuesday announced it will bring its Lincoln luxury brand to China in 2014.

Ford says the new plants are key to its plan to increase global sales by 50 percent to 8 million by 2015.


AP researcher Fu Ting contributed to this report from Shanghai.

Associated Press


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5 Steps to Securing Your Windows XP Dwelling Computer | EzinePR

Nearly all visitors are aware that there are continuous protection issues with Microsoft?s Home windows working style and further application. On the supplementary hand, the issues generally visitors don?t notice is how easy it?s toward considerably enhance your computer?s safekeeping and scale back the probability of turning into a victim to ever increasingly subtle threats that lurk online. These steps should take less than a couple of hours to whole and mustn?t clean out your wallet.

1) Home windows Replace ? the inventive crucial step you want to take to form certain that all your Microsoft applications possess all the most recent manufactured goods updates installed. These updates or ?patches? deal with confidence vulnerabilities and extra issues. Microsoft usually issues these updates on a monthly cycle. Visit the Microsoft web site or switch on automated updates from the Windows Management panel. Even as lengthy as your ?modern? laptop is second hand that is nonetheless a vital inventive step. If you purchase an used laptop by Windows XP build certain Service Pack 2 or SP2 is installed.

2) Robust Passwords ? prospects usually overlook this though having effectively thought by manner of passwords is a crucial component of your laptop protection. A strong password should embrace at least 8 characters through diverse text, symbols and numbers. At least you need toward form positive the services a good number in danger get a robust log-in password. These companies include your bank, bank card, further financial companies such PayPal, your e mail address and any supplementary services like eBay which hackers can significance toward construct profit.

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4) Firewall ? so long as you might be using a high speed connection then a firewall is particular requirement toward administer the site visitors flowing between your pc and the internet. A firewall monitors the inbound internet visitors passing by mode of the ports of your computer. Higher merchandise additionally monitor outbound traffic from your pc toward the internet. As per above the top bet here is buy a firewall application as piece of a protection software programs which largely providers provide as standard. As long as a hardware firewall is integrated as element of your router tools then you don?t want something else. A company known as Zone Labs impart an incredible free firewall item for consumption titled Zone Alarm which ought to be used as a minimum. Windows XP does now ship with a free firewall nonetheless the merchandise does not monitor outbound communication and therefore I consider does not give ample defense.

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Is your Microsoft Windows laptop not working the system it should? Do you suppose you could receive a Virus or one thing even worse? You could be in need of Home windows Vista virus removal instructions. Windows Vista hasn?t been out meant for too lengthy, maybe on the subject of 2 years, conversely sufficient clients receive the working system where we expect its important to know the way you must deal via problems when your home pc will get issues like a virus or spyware.

The instructions intended for getting viruses and spy ware each faraway from your private home pc, whether you get a desktop computer or a laptop, are as follows. Remember these instructions assume you do have a normal comprehension of your laptop manner, and the place issues are located and how toward find widespread tasks.

1 ? Disable Mode Restore In Management Panel

On the beginning menu navigate and discover the management panel. Then go to backup and restore center. Then click on generate a restore level or change settings. The manner properties window comes up now. Take away all the verify packing containers subsequent toward the onerous drive that comprises your operating technique Home windows Vista it?s usually the C: drive. One other security window will come up and click on on turn off approach restore here.

2- Install AVG Antivirus Software programs

Prior to installing AVG antivirus software system you will have toward create certain you take away any previous antivirus software that you may receive on your PC. So go into the control panel then into application and uninstall any of these software system. Now you need to both obtain AVG antivirus on the problematic computer, or download it on another laptop and put it aside toward a disk (with updates bear in mind). That?s as lengthy as your problem pc can?t join toward the Internet.

Set up AVG Antivirus in your computer that?s in need of windows vista virus elimination, in spite of this create certain you bear in mind toward update earlier than doing a full install. If an internet connection isn?t obtainable then update from the disk you downloaded the applications to from the working computer. What time the scan is done a full total scan, be certain to take away, quarantine, or heal all and any infections. Then remove any warnings also to be safe.

3 ? Restart Your House Pc

Press the restart button on your private home laptop and now boot up into safe mode. Do this by aspect of urgent f8 as the laptop is booting up. Such we did before do one other scan toward guarantee every bad virus is removed, this is of the utmost worth so don?t over look this.

four ? Re Allow System Restore From Earlier

Hit the beginning button toward go toward the control panel and right again into backup and restore center. Produce a restore point this time by manner of clicking on the change settings button. Now click on the means properties window. Point out the exhausting drive which holds your windows vista installation. We are properly on our approach to Windows Vista virus elimination and getting out pc working the means we?d like it toward.

5 ? Enable and significance Windows Vista computerized updates

Go into management panel then go into automated updates. Enable the updates there, and make certain to install essential updates right away and restart your laptop as necessary. Then set up advisable updates, don?t skip this crucial step!

Lastly, lets restart your house laptop one remaining time. So long as you sense that your laptop is just not in its regular state and running like it ought to, accurately, discover a professional that can assist you out. Perhaps a good friend of yours can help. As long as every thing seems to be to be OK then create sure the AVG antivirus software package is about so that it does each day updates and daily scans automated in favor of future defense. Feel free to return again to read extra concerning Windows Vista virus removing instructions.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Isis mobile payment system primed for September launch, supported devices revealed

Isis mobile payment system primed for September launch in Austin and Salt Lake City

You've known it was coming, but Isis has been so quiet on the mobile payments front in the past few months that you might've forgotten the score. Now, the joint venture backed by AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon has announced that it'll debut its system in Austin and Salt Lake City next month. At least part of the delay is attributed to its shift in strategy, when Isis shelved its plans to process payments through the carriers themselves and instead work with MasterCard and Visa. Isis representatives have declined to elaborate on future expansion plans.

Coinciding with the recent update that enabled Isis support for T-Mobile's Galaxy S II, MasterCard has come clean with a list of devices that'll receive similar treatment. Specifically, those in the US can expect the Droid Incredible 4G LTE, One X, Amaze 4G, Galaxy S III to gain Isis support. Naturally, the possibility remains open for other devices as well, and if you'd like to see the complete list of candidates, make sure to check out the PDF below.

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Isis mobile payment system primed for September launch, supported devices revealed originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 28 Aug 2012 20:47:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Orioles?rally to end?White Sox's 6-game win streak


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 10:39 p.m. ET Aug. 27, 2012

BALTIMORE (AP) - Nate McLouth and Lew Ford added their names to the Baltimore Orioles' rapidly expanding list of unlikely heroes.

McLouth put Baltimore ahead with a two-run homer in the eighth inning, Ford also connected, and the Orioles beat the White Sox 4-3 on Monday night, ending Chicago's six-game winning streak.

It was the franchise-record 13th consecutive one-run win for the Orioles, who trailed 2-1 in the sixth and 3-2 in the eighth. Baltimore is 24-6 in one-run games and 45-18 in games decided by one or two runs.

"This is as good of a club as I've ever had about staying in the moment," said manager Buck Showalter, now 173-173 since being hired on Aug. 3, 2010. "That's a challenge when you are around so many things that aren't really realistic, to stay together and challenge the things that really are important."

It's hard to fathom what the Orioles (70-57) have accomplished this year following 14 straight losing seasons. It's also difficult to imagine players like McLouth and Ford making major contributions in an important win. They were teammates with Triple-A Norfolk a month ago, and now they're providing Baltimore with a playoff push.

"That's why they got us up here," said Ford, whose second-inning homer was his first in the majors since July 29, 2007, with Minnesota against Cleveland. After that season, Ford didn't return to the big leagues until being summoned by the Orioles in late July.

After the White Sox went up 3-2 in the eighth against Pedro Strop (5-2) on a run-scoring infield single by Adam Dunn, Baltimore answered in the bottom half against Brett Myers (2-2).

Mark Reynolds drew a one-out walk and McLouth drove a 1-0 pitch far over the wall in right-center. It was his third RBI of the game and second home run since the Orioles purchased his contract from Norfolk on Aug. 4.

"I sure didn't want it to go straight over the plate, which is where it went," Myers said of the ill-fated fastball. "I wish I could have that one pitch back, but you know that isn't going to happen."

Asked if he ever doubted something like this could happen after being released by Pittsburgh at the end of May, McLouth replied, "Maybe. I think that's probably fair to say. But I love playing baseball. The Orioles were gracious to give me an opportunity and I'm happy to be here. I'm excited. It's been fun so far."

Jim Johnson pitched the ninth for his 40th save in 43 opportunities.

Facing the Orioles for the first time with Chicago after tormenting them as a member of the Boston Red Sox, Kevin Youkilis hit a two-run homer in the sixth inning and singled in the eighth to set up Dunn's RBI hit. Youkilis has a lifetime .322 batting average against Baltimore, with 23 homers and 87 RBIs.

"You never want to lose a game like that," Youkilis said. "We had the lead and Nate hit that home run."

The duel between the first-place White Sox and the surprising Orioles - who moved within 3 1/2 games of first-place New York in the AL East and stayed in the midst of the wild-card race - attracted a meager crowd of 10,955 on a clear night at Camden Yards.

Orioles starter Wei-Yin Chen gave up two runs, one earned, and four hits in six innings. He struck out eight, including A.J. Pierzynski three times.

Down 1-0, Chicago took the lead in the sixth. After Chen dropped a throw to first base for an error, Youkilis homered on the next pitch.

Baltimore pulled even in the bottom half. A walk to Matt Wieters and a single by Ford put runners at the corners with no outs and prompted White Sox manager Robin Ventura to replace starter Francisco Liriano with Jesse Crain, who walked Reynolds and McLouth to force in a run. Crain then got Manny Machado to hit into a force at the plate, struck out Robert Andino and retired Nick Markakis on a slow roller to shortstop.

It was another missed opportunity for the Orioles, who had several in the early going.

In the first inning, Markakis was tagged out by Liriano while trying to score from third on a pitch that bounced away from Pierzynski and rolled to the right of the plate.

After Ford hit an opposite-field drive to right leading off the second, the Orioles loaded the bases with one out before Markakis lined into a double play.

NOTES: White Sox RHP Gavin Floyd had a MRI on his right elbow Monday in Chicago. Ventura said no damage was found, but Floyd was scratched from Friday's start against Detroit in favor of Jake Peavy, who was slated to pitch Wednesday. Dylan Axelrod will pitch Wednesday. ... The Orioles optioned Jake Arrieta to Norfolk to make room for LHP Joe Saunders, obtained Sunday in a trade with Arizona. Saunders will make his first start either Wednesday or Thursday, Showalter said. ... RHP Jason Hammel (knee) threw a simulated three-inning game at Camden Yards. He will next make a rehabilitation start on Sept. 1 and could rejoin the team on Sept. 6, Showalter said. ... Baltimore's Adam Jones went 0 for 4 and is homerless in 108 at-bats, tying the longest drought of his career.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Video: FEMA official: ?Be ready to act? on evacuation orders

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Big radiation risk unlikely if Israel strikes Iran: experts

OSLO/VIENNA (Reuters) - Any Israeli attacks on Iran's nuclear facilities are unlikely to cause a Fukushima-scale disaster unless a Russian-built reactor is destroyed, experts say.

They could, however, release toxic chemicals - rather than high levels of radiation - causing local contamination affecting health and the environment. That was also the case from U.S.-led strikes on nuclear facilities in Iraq during the Gulf Wars.

"I doubt that the radiation effects would be great," said Hans Blix, a former head of U.N. nuclear watchdog the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Iran says all its facilities are for peaceful purposes. Israel, which in 1981 bombed Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor before it came online, has led international accusations that Tehran is secretly developing atomic bombs.

"There could be some chemical hazard (from an Israeli attack on Iran's uranium refining plants) but I'd think it would be limited to any nearby communities," said Edwin Lyman, a nuclear expert at the Union of Concerned Scientists in Washington.

The Vienna-based IAEA and Iran failed on Friday to strike a deal aimed at allaying concerns about Tehran's nuclear program. Diplomatic sources say Iran has installed many more uranium enrichment centrifuges at Fordow, a fortified underground site and a likely target in any attack.

Bellicose rhetoric from some Israeli politicians has fanned speculation that Israel might hit Iran's nuclear sites before the November U.S. presidential vote. Washington has said there is still time for diplomatic pressure to work, but it might be drawn into any war between the two Middle East foes.

Most experts contacted said that Israel would not target the Bushehr nuclear reactor on Iran's Gulf coast, which started providing electricity to the grid last September. Such an attack could release a Fukushima-style radioactive plume that could spread to the entire region - including Israel.

"An attack against Bushehr nuclear power plant would probably be a violation of international law," Blix said.

Attacks on Iran's other nuclear sites - such as the Natanz and Fordow enrichment plants and a uranium conversion facility east of the city of Isfahan - may have a localized health and environmental impact on a similar scale caused by the bombing of Iraqi nuclear sites Tuwaitha and Al Qaim in the Gulf Wars.


"Uranium is a very heavy metal, chemically and physically," so it would not be transported far on the wind if Iranian enrichment facilities were attacked, said Malcolm Grimston, of Imperial College, London.

"It is about as poisonous as lead ... the issue would be in the immediate area trying to prevent people from ingesting it for its chemical poisonous properties," he said.

Uranium before it is introduced into a nuclear power plant is also much less radioactive than fissile reactor material.

"It is not like a reactor where you got the volatile fission products - the iodines and caesiums - which can be carried in principle all around the world by wind," Grimston said.

Iraqi plants have not become global bywords for disaster, unlike the 1986 Chernobyl reactor explosion in what is now Ukraine and the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan that suffered a meltdown after an earthquake and tsunami last year.

"The health effects (in Iraq) were very localized," said Robert Kelley, of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and a former director of IAEA inspections in Iraq.

Others say health risks linger in Iraq, and estimates of long-term health risks near the sites are difficult because of a lack of monitoring of cancer rates.

"In Tuwaitha, they have never seen full decontamination," said Mike Townsley of environmental group Greenpeace. He and colleagues found a ruptured container of raw uranium "yellowcake" near the plant in 2003.

About 1,000 people live near the Tuwaitha reactor complex south of Baghdad, the former site of Saddam Hussein's nuclear research program destroyed by U.S.-led forces in 1991 and 2003. Al Qaim, where uranium was extracted at a fertilizer factory, was bombed in 1991.

Paul Sullivan, a professor of economics and adjunct professor of security studies at Georgetown University in the United States, said there were double standards in judging risks.

"If there were a chance of an attack on such facilities in France, Germany, the U.S., Japan and the like there would be constant and very loud cries about the potential environmental and human health impacts," he said.

Iran says it needs to refine uranium as a fuel for nuclear power. But extra refinement can make uranium for a bomb.


The other main way to build a bomb is to use plutonium, from the waste of spent nuclear fuel rods from power plants. But experts say Bushehr is ill-designed for such uses, and that would also require a separate reprocessing plant.

"Iran's plutonium program is thought to be less advanced than its uranium program," said Karl Dewey, a nuclear analyst at IHS Jane's in England.

Any attack on Bushehr, perhaps to cripple nearby buildings without rupturing the reactor, would involve big risks, he said.

Israel would probably want to destroy the Arak heavy water research reactor, which is not yet online but which experts say is more suited to producing plutonium than Bushehr.

The United Nations said in 2005 that the main impact of the 1986 disaster at Chernobyl would be up to 4,000 thyroid cancer deaths. About 30 people died at the plant, mainly from radiation exposure. Some environmentalists project far more deaths.

A Stanford University study in July estimated that radiation from Fukushima Daiichi might eventually cause anywhere from 15 to 1,300 deaths.

Radiation poisoning can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and fatigue in lower doses. In bigger doses, it can cause burns, hemorrhages, cancer and death.

Radiation can also damage plants and animals, poisoning food for human consumption. A type of butterfly near Fukushima has been found with high rates of mutation, such as deformed wings and eyes.

Part of the risks of enrichment is that the process involves heating uranium to a gas form, Dewey said.

The process frees uranium hexafluoride (UF6), which is both toxic and radioactive and can cause kidney damage. When UF6 comes in contact with moisture it converts to uranyl fluoride and toxic hydrofluoric acid, in a gas form.

Among accidents, in 1986 the rupture of a cylinder at a uranium enrichment facility run by Sequoyah Fuels Corp. in the United States released a cloud of UF6, killing one worker and injuring 31 others. None of the 31 suffered lasting kidney damage.

(Additional reporting by Marcus George in Dubai; Editing by Pravin Char)


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How To Use Podcast Directories To Promote Your Online Business ...


Here?s just another marketing method to get your teeth into. Podcasts I hear you say with trepidation, ?what are they, how do they work and how do I make them?? All valid questions and concerns but its like so many things relating to the internet that at first glace look pretty scary and the initial reaction is ?I can?t do that!? And sure this article just covers the opportunity in a brief way & you?ll need to do a bit more research, but honestly once you get your head around it ? you?ll wonder why you didn?t do it before, trust me and read on??

What?s a Podcast? A podcast is an internet channel used to communicate. It?s like a niche-specific radio station. Podcast directories are similar to article directories, but people subscribe to them. When you submit your podcasts here, they go out to all the directory?s subscribers.

The cool thing about podcast directories is that there?s a built-in audience who are already interested in your niche. You can use these directories to show your expertise, advertise your products or services, brand yourself and generate leads. If you do it right and offer high quality information, you?ll have a community of loyal listeners tuning in every week.

How To Create Podcasts

To make quality podcasts, all you need is a computer, a microphone and some type of recording software. Record your podcast and save it to MP3 format; now, it?s ready to submit.

You can use your articles or other web content as a script. Or you can use it as an outline and just talk about your topic. The important thing is just to offer quality information and make it valuable for your listeners.

Each directory has different submission rules, but most of them allow you to create a description. Optimize that for your keywords and make it something that will draw them in. Some directories work like social networking sites, so you can interact with other users and create communities and groups.

When you?re looking for directories to use, be sure to read their terms of use because each is different.

Tips For Creating Great Podcasts

To make a good podcast, all you really need to do is talk. That?s it. But, I?d recommend including some intro music and maybe outro music. This kind of brands your podcasts and also makes them smoother. It?s kind of abrupt when it just suddenly starts with somebody talking.

Once you?ve got your podcast action going, stick to your schedule and be consistent. Just like a radio show, podcasts are usually daily, weekly, or monthly. Before you even get started, decide on this schedule based on how committed you?re going to be. Your listeners will be expecting regular shows.

One great way to create excellent high-quality podcasts with little fuss and bother is to interview people in your niche. It?s a win-win situation ? interviewing a known name in your niche will get people tuning in to check out your podcast; and the person you?re interviewing gets some exposure and a chance to build their authority out of the deal.

Finally, market your podcasts. Let everybody know on your list, website and social media sites when the next show is going to be. Once you get started making podcasts, it?s a lot of fun!

And here?s a list of the best podcast directories to get you started:

Podcasting News? Podcast Directory ? Podcast Alley ? ? ? PodcastPickle ? Digital Podcast ? ? iPodderX ? Learn Out Loud ? Public Radio Fan ?

So there you are, get stuck and get podcasting, just another marketing avenue you really should be utilising, let us know how you get on?

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Monday, August 27, 2012

8 things to consider before relocating | Beverly Hills Real Estate | Bel ...

Don't assume grass is always greener in a new city

Dian Hymer
Inman News?

Moving to a new area can be daunting. You can ease the anxiety if you do your home work and take a few precautions that might not be necessary if you were selling one house and buying another one in the same area.

First consider why you want to move to a new location. Empty nesters whose family lives elsewhere often want to move to be closer to children and grandchildren. Financial considerations often enter into the decision. The cost of living may be lower elsewhere than it is where you currently live.

Whatever the reason, you should consider your motivation carefully. What may seem like a good idea on the surface could look less desirable after you factor in the aspects of your current lifestyle that may not be able to be replicated elsewhere.

For example, you may have a large circle of friends and family in your current location that provides support you need. Or if you have serious medical issues, you may need to stay close to your medical providers.

Some people want to make big changes because they're dissatisfied with their life. Changing locations won't necessarily make a difference; you take your personal problems with you. Make sure your desire to get out of town is for the right reason.

Your employer may be driving the decision to move elsewhere, which means you may have no choice if you want to remain employed.

Find out what relocation benefits your company may offer. Some companies will cover the costs of your move and even buy you out of your existing home. Others provide attractive financing.

HOUSE HUNTING TIP: Find out as much as you can about the next location before you sell your home and move. Visit the new area several times, ideally during different times of year. Make sure the new location will provide you with what you need.

Make a list of all the services and amenities you want in the new location. Like buying a home, you may not find everything you want and need. But you should be able to satisfy your needs and a good portion of what you want in the new place. Otherwise, it may not be worth changing places.

Moving is expensive. You don't want to find out in a year or so that you made a mistake and wish you hadn't sold your old home and made the move. In today's volatile housing marketing, you could lose money if you sell the new home soon after buying it.

The Internet provides a wealth of information about communities around the country and homes for sale. Hook up with a good real estate agent in an area where you think you want to live and ask to be sent information about new listings that might suit your needs. Or sign up with an online listing notification service with a home listing website like

Inventories of homes for sale in desirable locations are very low in some areas, which may complicate an easy move from one location to the next. A tight market can also mean that rentals are expensive and hard to find.

However, renting for a while in a new location is a good idea if you've never lived there. It gives you the opportunity to get to know neighborhoods in the new area and make a decision on where you want to live based on firsthand experience. Talk to homeowners in the area to find out what they like least about living there.

THE CLOSING: Check with your financial adviser to find out the monetary and tax consequences of relocating and if this is the right time to make the move.

Dian Hymer, a real estate broker with more than 30 years' experience, is a nationally syndicated real estate columnist and author of "House Hunting: The Take-Along Workbook for Home Buyers" and "Starting Out, The Complete Home Buyer's Guide."

Copyright 2012 Dian Hymer


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

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Personal Finance Blogs - Saving Advice

"He who does not economize will have to agonize." - Confusius

August 25th, 2012 at 08:31 PM by I'm a young mom determined to be rich someday!!!

My usual Saturday would include an automatic $50 spent by noon at the hair salon maybe another thirty to forty at a restuarant for lunch. Than no telling what other household products/groceries I'd need to pick up. I am very happy that I wrote my budget out on paper and kept cash in my pocket. I find it too easy to overspend money when i'm swiping my debit card. I'm more prone to think twice when I have to give up the cash out of my purse. I ended up spending $1 on chicken nuggets...

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hire a SEO in Utah to Help Your Company | Local Internet Marketing ...

Website marketing is the best way to advertise for your business. Most people when looking up a business no longer look it up in the yellow pages, they get on their smart phone, lap top, or tablet, and look up the information that they must know. It is faster, easier, and you can take it anywhere with you. Not only will it tell you the address, and phone number, but it will let you know reviews about the company and additional information that you can?t find anywhere else. That?s why it is so essential to market your company through the internet with the help of a SEO in Utah company.

Web marketing has a pretty broad meaning and can refer to several different marketing styles, but one of the most effective is SEO, or search engine optimization. Hiring a SEO in Utah company can help you to get a higher ranking and get visible in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, search results. It doesn?t matter if you?ve got the best designed website on the internet; it doesn?t do any good unless you have traffic visiting your website. Only the first few pages of a search engines results are looked at, and that means that the websites on the front page are most profitable, so that is where you want your company to be.

Other ways that you can market your company is through email marketing. You can send out emails to random individuals to advertise sales or other thing about your business. You can also send them to folks that you have previously done business with to let them know about upcoming events or changes. One of the most popular that people might recognize is when you place banners on third party websites that lead back to your website. A SEO in Utah will be able to show you all those ways and more to get your company growing.

So just a recap of what a SEO in Utah company can do for you:

? Work with you to build your website up
? Marketing your organization through social media marketing
? Banner marketing
? The strategy of SEO to gain ranking in search engines

There are so many different ways to give your company the push it needs to grow into a business that will be around for years. When you hire a SEO they will get your companys clientele increased and help you to become more profitable. See for yourself what they can do for your company today.

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Bear kills Denali backpacker in park's first fatal mauling

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - A grizzly bear killed a backpacker in Denali National Park in the first fatal mauling at the Alaska nature site since it was created in 1917, the National Park Service said on Saturday.

The solo backpacker died on Friday afternoon in the encounter with the bear, the Park Service said in a statement. Rangers found the body that night after being summoned by hikers who had come upon the attack site.

Efforts to recover the body were postponed due to bad light and risks from bears feared to be nearby, the Park Service said.

"We have a likely identity but we're waiting to get out to the remains and get them back today before we make a positive confirmation," Park Service spokeswoman Maureen McLaughlin said.

The attack happened at the Toklat River, about three miles south of a rest stop on the park's sole road, the Park Service said.

Hikers found an abandoned backpack, bloody clothes and signs of a struggle. They summoned rangers, who flew to the site by helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft and found the body.

The bear apparently attacked the man near the river's gravel bar and dragged his remains to a more secluded site in the bushes, the Park Service said.

Officials will attempt to identify the bear that killed the man but that "is not going to be terribly easy," McLaughlin said. A camera found near the backpack had several images of a bear, which will be analyzed, she said.

The death marks the first fatal bear mauling on record since the national park was created in 1917 as Mount McKinley National Park, officials said.

The last major attack in memory at the 6 million-acre Denali Park and Preserve was about four decades ago when a park employee was seriously injured, McLaughlin said.

Park officials say Denali, one of Alaska's top tourist attractions, has a robust bear-safety program. Backpackers are required to receive "Bear Aware" training that includes a 30-minute safety video and a briefing from a ranger before they receive permits to hike and camp, the Park Service said.

(Editing by Alex Dobuzinskis and Bill Trott)


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Essential Self-help Recommendations Everyone Should Know ...

Making the selection to focus on personal development is an energizing expertise, and it can provide you with a sensation of becoming in command of your way of life. To obtain your desired goals, you should attract on diverse types of motivation and enthusiasm. The content beneath has numerous wonderful concepts you can use without delay.

Typically what delivers your satisfied feeling straight down is pressure. Pressure might take the two a physical along with an psychological toll on your system. If we want to think evidently and strive for our objectives with neat, calm function, we have to eliminate the anxiety inside our heads. Timetable time day-to-day to enjoy all by yourself in rest and clarity. Developing an a chance to refresh can give you peacefulness and improve your self-appearance.

Improving your health is really a part of personal development. You will see the best ways to keep determined and recognize the necessity of a good diet and physical activity to your imagination. If you make your state of health a top-notch worry and understanding that a wholesome life-style increases your other self improvement efforts, there is a good possibility of sticking with your overall health-improving techniques.

It?s crucial that you can know you could get to your personal development targets. You must understand that doing all of your finest is what you are worthy of. When all is said and accomplished, you are aware that that which was accomplished was all that you might do, so you won?t have regrets.

As part of your self improvement, you ought to continually make an effort to have adore become the motivator associated with your faith. Trust are unable to are present with out really like. Don?t overlook the faith you may have. Do good deeds for those who want it, to make your religious beliefs basically indicate one thing by loving on your own plus your friends.

Are you presently a huge enthusiast? The dangerous ingredients in tobacco might cause COPD, malignancy plus a massive list of other conditions. Your whole body is exactly what your home is in just about every day and so concern for the wellness needs to be a high priority. Sometimes, getting rid of improper habits is what it takes to create your daily life far better. Have a look at your general existence and the routines you engage in to understand when there is anything you may get rid of.

Write down your goals to assist you to develop inside. Take note of everything you aspire to be or perhaps to alter about yourself. After that, think of various ideas and resources that could seriously help to accomplish this goal. Then, place yourself in conditions where that may happen. Building a strategy can make it more likely that you become successful.

Don?t force your whole body too hard while you are attempting toward a target. Get your greatest shot, but know if you have achieved your limit. Don?t ignore the body as soon as your are attempting to fulfill your primary goal. Hurting the body is going to be kitchen counter to what you are actually seeking to achieve in boosting oneself.

Sit back and uncover what is considered the buffer between both you and your objectives. This can be difficult to do for many folks. In order to alter problems you will be possessing, you have to identify whatever they are. If you can to conquer some difficulties, you can find a much better image of the items your potential retains.

You can?t make everyone pleased, but you possibly can make yourself pleased. Do not develop into a personal-focused person, but keep in mind that nobody can help you become a more joyful person than oneself. As a more joyful man or woman and flourish in personal progress, you have to be accurate to your traditional personal plus your own sensation of appropriate and improper.

In order to develop as a person, you should give your life path. Long-term targets certainly are a tremendous factor to obtain and can produce a huge difference with your point of view.

As you can see, personal development is less difficult than it appears. By breaking your own personal growth process into tiny, manageable desired goals, you?ll realise you are nearer to your goals by the end for each time. You?ll have the ability to training what you?re seeking to follow as practice, and you?ll boost your individual morale to keep. These tips are simply a springboard, it?s your choice to create a better daily life.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Movie Review: Premium Rush Indulges Our Need, Our Need For ...


Wide Release


Opens Aug. 24

Premium Rush begs you to surrender yourself to the pure joy of kinetic energy: hurtling on a bicycle between cars, through red lights, headed the wrong way down one-way streets. ?Brakes are death,? proclaims the daredevil New York City bike messenger Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), who might genuinely believe that if he stands still for long he?ll cease to exist.

The camera follows him through even the tightest spaces, and you can?t help but feel the anxiety of what would happen if suddenly a taxi door were to open or a pedestrian were to step into the street. Yet there?s no option other than to keep moving, and it?s a thrill.

With its dead-simple plot, compressed timeline, use of flashbacks to reveal a story that starts in the middle rather than at the beginning, and its urgent celebration of movement, director David Koepp?s film reminds me of Tom Tykwer?s great Run Lola Run (even if Premium Rush didn?t leave me buzzing with quite that much pleasure).

Never mind the somewhat ridiculous storyline, in which a corrupt cop (Michael Shannon), in debt to the Chinese underworld, tries to steal a message that Wilee has been entrusted to deliver. Never mind that the film cheats in its use of time, pretending that an unbelievable number of events can occur between 6:33 and 7 p.m. All else is forgotten once Wilee jumps on his bike.

We?re then in the world of which he is a master, calculating routes across the city and whizzing any which way he can. The film?s best device takes us into Wilee?s mind as he makes what must be split-second decisions about how to cross dangerously busy intersections. We?re shown each of his options, in slow motion, as he considers them, and we?re cheered when he finds the counterintuitive path that will lead to safety.

He?s part of a fraternity of bike messengers, a group portrayed as the most hated people in New York because of the dangerous tactics they employ to make their deliveries on time. We?re supposed to respect Wilee more than most of them because he?s a Columbia Law School graduate who rides for the love of it, not because he lacks other options for making a living. His girlfriend Vanessa (Dania Ramirez) also rides, but getting a cushy office job someday sounds perfect to her.

It?s the chase scenes that make this a movie worth seeing. Michael Shannon?s unhinged cop (no actor does unhinged better) zigs and zags his car through the streets to catch Wilee even as a patrol officer on a bike also gives pursuit. Later, Wilee has to race rival messenger Manny (Wol? Parks) while that same bike cop is again after him. And those are just the two showcase sequences ? Koepp likes to keep his actors and his camera moving throughout.

At the end of the spry 91 minutes, I wanted to sprint out of the theater, and I mean that in the best possible way.


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