Thursday, August 16, 2012

Health & Fitness Centre ? Healthy Eating

Article by Marie

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Why get fit and healthy?

Helping to bring balance to your life

Take care of yourself for the long runAdopting a healthy lifestyle through combining a balanced diet with regular exercise can bring immediate results: feel better physically and mentally, lose weight, sleep better, enjoy boosted self-confidence and increased self-esteem, change your outlook for the better, and more? It is also important to remember that looking after yourself can not only help you to protect your health and get the most out of life now, but it can also serve as a kind of ?insurance policy? against becoming ill in the long run.

Through reading this article in Zone 1 of the Centre you will gain a deeper understanding into how looking after your health can protect you from developing a whole range of health conditions as you get older (some of them life-threatening diseases and conditions). You will learn what ?taking care of yourself? actually means from a physiological and psychological standpoint. And you will also discover how you can combine the right diet with a regular exercise activity to suit you, so that every day you are strengthening your shield against the onset of poor health as you grow older.

In this article:

Why are we more likely to become ill as we grow older?

What does ?taking care of my health? really mean?

What would be a good starting point for taking care of my health long-term?

How can getting fit help?

How can weight-loss help?

As well as adopting a healthier lifestyle, what else can I do?

How can I help others?

Summary & Suggestions for further learning through this website

Why are we more likely to become ill as we grow older?As we grow older we can suffer from:

A weaker immune system

Social isolation

Enforced idleness (through no longer working or participating in social activities due to becoming housebound as a result of becoming ill)

Declining mental health

Our bodies taking longer to repair themselves after illness

Being more susceptible to falling at home and injuring ourselves, simply because we have grown more frail

Diseases caused by cold and damp

Losing our life partner and the negative mental impact this can then have upon our physical health, too.

The good news is that there are steps you can take now to safeguard yourself against many of these dangers to your health.

What does ?taking care of my health? actually mean?The human body is an organism made up of millions of cells and several interconnecting systems (muscular, skeletal, respiratory, etc.). In order for the body to function properly and well, you need to take care of it.

The importance of maintaining a healthy heart, lung, liver and kidneys, as well as looking after your bones and muscles and even your blood itself cannot be stressed enough if you wish to live a healthy life to the full, look after your family, perform well at work, and protect yourself from developing a whole range of health conditions and even life-threatening diseases both now and in the long run.

This does not only mean in the realm of physical health. You can also be proactive when it comes to protecting yourself from developing mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety.

What would be a good starting point for taking care of my long term health?Make the decision to do so. Simply by being aware that you need to address your long term physical and mental health now you are taking a critical step towards protecting yourself from developing a range of health conditions and diseases.

Things you can do immediately:

If you smoke, begin the process of trying to stop

Cut your alcohol consumption levels

Keep your salt intake to a minimum

Try to avoid stress as much as possible (this can lead to long-term conditions, such as: irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases)

How can getting fit help? Maintaining a regular exercise routine (combined with a balanced, nutritious diet) will help enormously to keep your cardiovascular system functioning properly and well. Your heart will receive blood in sufficient quantities. And your blood vessels will not become blocked up with fatty deposits due to high cholesterol, etc.

Also, paying attention to keeping your bones strong and your muscles active though exercising regularly will not only help to ensure you maintain overall good health ? and protect yourself from illness both now and in the long term ? but also help you in terms of keeping mobile. This will allow you to participate in all the social activities you enjoy with others ? keeping social isolation at bay (and the physical and mental illnesses that this isolation can bring).

In the realm of mental health, if you maintain a healthy lifestyle you will feel better mentally. Your balanced diet will provide your brain with all the nutrients, vitamins and mineral it needs (and in the correct quantities), and by exercising regularly, ?feel good? chemicals and hormone-like substances in the brain called neurochemicals will be boosted. The main neurochemicals that do this are called endorphins. When endorphins are boosted and interact with other neurochemicals, such as serotonin, adrenaline and dopamine, you will feel bright, positive and energised.

How can weight-loss help?Combining a balanced diet with regular exercise will help you to control your weight and protect you from becoming obese.

Obesity can lead to health problems such Type-2 Diabetes, heart disease, extreme breathing difficulties, spinal damage and even some cancers (breast, colon, stomach and kidney cancer).

Put simply, being overweight is generally caused by eating too many calories (fatty foods, sugary drinks?) and not exercising enough to burn them off.

At its most basic level, a balanced diet should include:

An appropriate amount of nutrients and minerals from fruit, vegetables, whole grains and nuts

Sufficient quantities of water

Limited intake of sugar, and

Low salt intake

By shedding those pounds and working towards becoming your ?correct? weight, you can prevent the development of illness and disease in the long-term. Also, if you are unfortunate and fall ill through contracting a contagious condition, or break a limb due to an accident of some sort, being otherwise fit and healthy can help accelerate your recovery process.

As well as adopting a healthier lifestyle, what else can I do?Keep active overall as you grow older. Many older people fall ill in retirement because they miss the go and the therapy or being in work. The trick is to still get out there and mix with other people. You can do this by joining clubs, volunteering, staying connected to old friends and meeting up regularly for a nice cup of tea and a chat?. There are countless things you can do to remain active. This will help to preserve your good health and keep illness and disease at bay.

Finally, and before we summarise and look at suggestions for further learning through this website, let?s now consider how you can help others to protect their long term health.

How can I help others?Share your knowledge. Through doing so you could actually help protect a family member, friend or work associate from developing a serious, life-threatening illness in later life.

Also, tell others about the Chemist Online Health & Fitness Centre! The wealth of useful and up-to-the-minute information available here is changing people?s lives every day ? for the better.

Let?s summarise now and then look at some suggestions for further learning through this website.

Summary Through reading this article in Zone 1 of the Centre you have gained a deeper understanding into how the body works and why it sometimes fails us. You have learned about how taking care of your health now can serve as a kind of ?insurance policy? against becoming ill as you grow older. You have also discovered that the key to maintaining good long term health is through adopting a healthy lifestyle which combines a balanced diet with regular exercise. All this will not only mean that you can get the most from life when you are older, but it will also help you to worry less about the future now.

Now learn more!To find out even more about how adopting a healthier lifestyle can impact positively on your life, please click on any of these links:

Health & fitness for the over 50s

Have more energy

Sleep better

Health & fitness in retirement

Health & fitness for parents

Boost your brain power as well as your muscle power

All information on the Chemist Online Health and Fitness website is for information only. Always consult your GP before undertaking any form of weight-loss, fitness or exercise.

About the Author

Chemist Online is your No1 discount online chemist shop. From Allergies to coughs and cold treatments.

Chemist Online has most of your brand name medicines that you can buy direct from the site.

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