Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wekkalin Remddan or Non-Fasters of Ramadan voice their opinions ...

By Jamal Saidi

Morocco World News

Casablanca, August 1st, 2012

The weekly Alousboue has recently interviewed a number of Moroccans who voiced controversial opinions regarding several topics that are perceived as taboo in Moroccan society. The newspaper said that all the interviewed are Wekkalin Remddan or non-fasters of Ramadan. They expressed their views on Alcohol, abortion, atheism, apostasy, mix marriage and Israel. The following highlights the main points raised during the interview.

Adil Saadani, 45 years: ?I reject hiding while drinking alcohol.?

Many Moroccans drink alcohol without having the courage to state so. This behaviour reflects a schizophrenic state of the mind. A layman tends to disguise himself in the appearance of a saint, in a bid to please both the family and society. When he or she behaves in a manner that is rejected by societal norms, he or she prefers to hide in order not to shock people around. As Far as I am concerned, I reject hiding while drinking alcohol. I don?t use black plastic bags to carry a beer or any alcoholic product. These plastic bags have become a symbol of schizophrenia in the sense that people know what they contain but they pretend the opposite.

Hind Beriaz, 35 years : ? I will do an abortion, if I want so.?

My body is my property over which I have every right. I stress that I can get an abortion whenever I want. In fact, I have already done so, and I have never hidden that. When I was pregnant, my boyfriend and I agreed on behaving in a mature and a pragmatic way; we took the decision of abortion, therefore. The problem we faced was money and a willing doctor. Thousands of women suffer in similar cases. Abortion should be legalized in order to avoid scenes of dead babies thrown in the trash.

Nezar Benmatt, 26 years: ?I reject the idea that a Moroccan is born Muslim.?

I reject the claim that a Moroccan is born Muslim.We surely inherit Islam, but when we reach a certain stage where one should make a decision regarding his or her private life, things may change. Freedom of faith is not a concern of the minority; it is also a concern of the majority on whom the Suni Maliki doctrine is imposed, including those who are converted to other religions.

Imane Arwitt , 24 years : ?I am atheist.?

I now celebrate ten years of my apostasy from Islam. It is ten years of philosophical and religious readings that made who I am. During this period, I faced all sorts of offences. I suffer in both society and my living environment. My mother in her turn keeps advising me to return to the ?right path.?

Zineb Lghezoui, 31 years: ?I was about to marry a Jew.?

The Moroccan penal code prohibits women from marrying a non Muslim man. I lived a wonderful experience with a Moroccan Jew. If our relationship survived, I could have married him.

Omar Lozi, 47 years : ?I am not against the Israeli State.?

I visited both Israel and Palestine, and I have nothing against the Israeli state. I consider cultural and linguistic ties that bind me to the Amazigh Jews in Israel are stronger than those shared with the Palestinians. We Amazigh people ,in Morocco and Israel, eat Couscos and Tagine together ; and we celebrate same traditions.

The opinions stated above indicate that a significant part of Moroccan society is probably torn between individual freedom and socio-religious norms.


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