Monday, December 10, 2012

Banners Broker Dublin World Tour Report | Web Design & Internet ...

My good friend Dave Green (FB) has allowed me to borrow some notes from his visit to Dublin. The Banners Broker weekend has been a huge hit with all who went and showed just what BB is capable of?

I have just returned from a truly amazing conference at the City West Hotel and Conference centre in Dublin Ireland, where over the three days of the conference over 1000 delegates came together from all over the world to hear the vision for the future of Banners Broker.

In this blog post I would like to give my report on this truly amazing weekend that the Banners Broker Ireland team put together for Delegates coming from all over the Globe.

Everyone involved says that it is virtually impossible not to make a good profit with Banners Broker and I must say that I tend to agree.

The size of the Banners Broker marketplaceThe Banners Broker Corporate Team

Chris Smith ??????? ????????? ? Founder and CEO of Banners Broker.

Rajit Dixit ??????? ????? ? ? ? ? ? Chief Operating Officer.

Lorenzo Guarini ????? ?? Corporate Canada IC.

Grant D?eall????????? ?? ? ?? ? ? Became full time Corporate Trainer in July this year.

David Hooker ?????????? ? ?? Global Compliance and Business Development officer.

Stephanie Schlacht ?? Support training Manager.

The Conference

The Banners Broker conference was opened with a presentation by Raj Dixit who?s message was sharp and sweet.? Banners Broker is a BROKER and the money paid out to its Affiliates (you and me) is made from Online advertising on the Blind Network.

The Banners Broker Business model is a True Business, compliant in all the countries in which Banners Broker operate and is in no way a Ponzi or Pyramid scheme.? MasterCard, who Banners Broker use, wouldn?t come on board if there weren?t a legitimate paper trail (see video interview below).

That night we all headed for the Hotel Bar for some Guinness and Traditional Irish Music.

One of the most fantastic parts of the event for me was the presentation by David Hooker on the Saturday.

David had been asked to join the company by the founder Chris Smith when it was first formed 2 years ago, but at that time he said no and to come back if the company worked.

?Chris Smith ? CEOBanners Broker founder Chris Smith

About 10 weeks ago Chris Smith approached David again who was stunned by the growth of Banners Broker in just 21 months and came onboard as Business Development and Compliance Officer .

David Hooker?s main job is to develop Banners Brokers?image?and handle all legal and compliance issues in each country.

David?s presentation explained all the details of how the Blind Network works and how there are 10 Major Brokers dealing with advertising space on the Blind Network.

He explained how?Chris Smith, in the early days of Banners Broker, approached 10 ?of these Brokers and 9 refused to work with him due to the company just starting out and having no track record.? The one that did agree being one of the smaller companies.

David also gave out the fantastic news that one of the original Larger Brokers that refused in the early days has now contacted Banners Broker and Chris Smith direct and now wish to work with us.

We are in the final stages of linking software to allow both companies to work together.

This is a major step forward in the growth of Banners Broker.

What also came out from David?s ?presentation was that Banners Broker are working behind the scenes to provide additional and new training to the members on how the business model works, so that all?affiliates?will be better placed to explain the Business model in depth.

This allows us to show that Banners Broker are an Advertising Company and Not a ?Get Rich Quick Make Money Opportunity? as the MLM industry is making out.

David Hooker also talked about how Banners Broker will be combating some negative press and taking on the bloggers that were writing negative reports now that a full legal team is in place within Banners Broker.

One Blogger was a friend of his and after writing a negative post wanted BannersBroker to pay him ?900 to correct his negative story!! Easy way to make money. However Banners Broker are above paying out when people post lies.

Below is a very interesting interview with Andrew, a Retired Chartered Accountant and his view on Banners Broker. Taken at the Dublin Conference by Mark Stokes, my Sponsor. Thanks Mark!!

Find out more now? Click here..Banners Broker

Those already in Banners Broker know the truth and anyone who wishes to get involved can check the company out and will see that Banners Broker are a legitimate real but Unique Business.

David can be seen below giving us a terrific presentation and a clear overview of how we make money. This presentation with slides will soon be available in the back office of the Banners Broker website.

Banners Broker presentation by David HookerDavid Hooker on stage with an overview of the Business Model

Raj and Chris explained in more depth how a publisher is given a set fee for advertising space for a set time on their websites.? The Brokers then resell over and over again that advertising space and can make a massive mark-up.? That?s why we can be paid twice our original investment.

Over and over ?again it was emphasized that Banners Broker is a BROKER.

You as affiliates to the company are ??Banners BROKER Affiliates?.

It was explained that it is the main Broker that knows how to sell the space over and over again, therefore generating the large profit in which we share.

It was shown how the Broker placed the Adverts on the Blind Network, these adverts getting placed on websites sometimes changing between every minute up to every 15 mins maximum and then put onto other sites.

Banners Broker is not the advertiser. They DO NOT place the ads. That is the job of the Advertising Broker.

The future is set to see Banners Broker building our own publisher sites and selling advertising on those sites.

Chris Smith talked about his vision of the future to include advertising on all mobile devices.

Chris Smith, the CEO, stated that it is his mission to build this company to become a major player in the industry and to help ordinary people make a living and change their lives.

Entertainment at Banners Broker Gala

Saturday evening saw the Gala Dinner?where over 1000 affiliates got together for the 2nd largest gala in Ireland?s history and dance the night away and taking time to meet the corporate team and chat to each other.

A great time was had by all.

If you would like to know more just click this link to Banners Broker or Email me at


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