Friday, March 9, 2012

Change For Life ? The Straightforward Approach To Stop Drinking ...

Change For Life

I do believe the best way to quit drinking is on your own, it?ll be tough at times but you?ll emerge as a stronger and much more empowered person. You won?t need a ?higher power? you just need yourself and a conviction not to drink. I bet you don?t realize how capable and strong you really are, I didn?t at the time, but I sure do now! Anyway follow these steps to stop alcohol consumption?

Figure out why you need to quit drinking and set a date for giving up. Talk to your family and friends regarding your intention to stop and ask them to be helpful in the early days and to not drink around you. Try to not drink for 30 days, I read somewhere that it takes 1 month to beat a habit. The toughest thing we have to face in our lives is change and it?s difficult to change learned behavior, but it can be done. Good new behavior will also turn into a habit and it does not take a long time before you are comfortable to be around alcohol without being annoyed by it.

Realize that alcohol dependency is a learned behavior and a ?CHOICE?. The alcoholism disease model is flawed, a disease implies something we have little if any control over. Every time you reach for the bottle, you?re making the decision to do this. You can do something towards stopping drinking right now, but I bet that?s a little bit scary isn?t it? The main problem is a part of you, really does not wish to quit and I would not be amazed if you felt a sense of stress at the very thought. You really have to want to stop to succeed, or else you are wasting your time. Are you ready to stop drinking?

Here are five stop drinking tips that helped me to quit drinking alcohol:

Examine your drinking habits and find out what triggers your drinking and what you can do to avoid doing this. Maybe you have to evaluate the company that you keep or the places you frequent.

Create a list of all the reasons why you want to quit drinking alcohol, list all the issues and negative consequences of your drinking. The arguments, the fights, the lost jobs etc.

Make a scheduled visit to see your Doctor to assess the severity of your addiction and to find out what medication is available to aid you through withdrawal. Be completely honest with your Physician about the amount which you drink and take your list you made before with you, so you do not forget anything. I was horrified to learn that I was drinking over 10 times the safe alcohol consumption limit.

I was a serious alcoholic but was able to withdraw at home without hospitalization, however I needed medication to see me throughout the withdrawal process. I was prescribed a one week course of diazepam and it was a fantastic aid. The Doctor might also recommend medicines too like Antabuse that makes you feel sick if you drink. I think drugs of this type will just keep you sober whilst you?re on them, I do not believe they?re a lasting solution.

Discover A Lot More About How You Can Quit Drinking With This Particular Tried And Tested Stop Drinking Guide Provided By Ed Philips To Uncover The Way To Stop Drinking In Only 21 Days?.

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