Monday, March 19, 2012

Great Customer Service ? The Trick to Consistent and Excellent ...

I can hear my mother, God rest her soul, every time I catch myself talking too much, especially when I am with a client or prospect.

?God gave you two ears for a reason Larry, so use them!?

Thanks, mom!

One of the key skills in the helping profession is listening which is the critical task of every coach, sales person or counsellor. In fact developing listening skills is vital to anyone in business, especially in providing excellent customer service. So why do we far too often make the assumption that we already know what our client is thinking. Even more important why do so many coaches use a ?one size fits all? approach?

Here are some questions we need to answer as we plan to serve our customers in the coming year.

Are you really listening to your customers?

Do you know what they are looking for?

What are you going to offer your clients to make this the best year ever?

How will the service you provide your clients set you apart as a business that over delivers on every promise?


Modern marketing techniques have transformed the way businesses shape how they prepare the sales process. There is a danger that reliance on tools like keyword research, brand analysis, historical data reviews, and a multitude of methods can lull us into thinking we know all about our client.

Few use good old listening and today there are many ways to tune in to your customers. If you are not using Facebook, Twitter, participating in forums, leaving blog comments, and having direct conversations with clients we are bound to miss the good stuff. Even the big brands are turning to social media to get the word out rather than just making ?big announcements? and expecting millions to come running ? ?build it or create it and they will buy?!

Our clients are just like us ? they want to be heard. If we listen with our ears and our hearts their pain, the things that keep them awake at night, will come through loud and clear. Then we are ready to begin taking the customer service relationship to the next level by asking questions that are targeted to uncover the truth.


What are they saying about what they need? They know ? so as we ask and then listen intently the knowledge we need to really help them move forward will be uncovered. Everyone needs love, recognition, security and most of all they are need, no, they deserve to be valued. The best way to value another person is to ask the right question and then to listen.

One of the mysteries of our modern times is that people will pay for perceived ?value?. A recent market report that should renew confidence is the fact that 2009 was a recession year yet over the weekend of Nov 29, 2009, known as Black Friday, 195 million shoppers spent $41.2 billion dollars in the US alone. The basic principle of successful sales is ? ?People are looking to have their needs met. PERIOD!?

Now for most of us in the helping profession as coaches, talking about using the knowledge we gain about our client?s needs as a clue to what to ?sell? them may be offensive. The truth is that if we don?t ?sell? them we can never really help them.

Once you are clear on what they need and want all you have to do is give it to them!


Once you are really listening look for answers to these questions;

1) What are they complaining about?

Note that in spite of the recession people are still buying what they want love, dreaming about what they want and making it plainly obvious what they don?t like!

So solve a problem and you will be loved and rewarded.

2) Are people Disillusioned and Unaware?

They are looking for resources and turn to people they can rely on and trust.

Reveal hidden information, making difficult things simple or serve as an expert and you will be rewarded on a longterm basis.

3) What are your customers struggling with? What do they want? What are they seeking?

If you can listen closely, ask great questions and then provide them with the information, tools, even the truth they have been looking for ? you could actually be responsible for helping change their lives, their families and their businesses.

Customer Service

Too many businesses seem to see customer service as unrelated to making money. Take a minute and think about your own buying activity ? don?t you buy more often from businesses that work hard to keep their customers happy.

If we listen closely and ask great questions that uncover the true need we will better understand how to keep them happy. In addition we can provide a tailor-made solution that will help to build trust, loyalty and profits. This kind of focus on giving help with excellence and honour will create ?raving fans? who will become our best marketers.

One last thought, even though we not be like McDonalds with 24/7 operations, we do need to be available to our clients. I personally spent 14 years as a pastor and most of my congregants as well as the community at large expected me to be on call 24/7. Most people will not call their coach at 2 am, at least I hope not. No matter what kind of business you own our clients should see us as people who are open, and ready to give with all our heart and with enthusiasm, even at 2 am!

If you provide excellent customer service with your heart, work harder and go farther than others for your clients, you will be rewarded. If you are a business owner, who listens to your customers, acknowledges their pain, and bring the appropriate solution at the right time you will make a difference in 2011 ? beyond your wildest dreams!

Larry Scarbeau is a Certified Master Business Coach helping business owners increase their profits, build strong staff teams to run the business for them and creating freedom to enjoy their success. He is a public speaker, Ezine expert author and certified master coach practioner. Visit his site for more free information and see if you qualify for a Complimentary Coaching session to start increasing your profits while making a difference.

Author: Larry Scarbeau


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