Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Stop Struggling to Generate Leads in Your ... - Business Networking

Are you tired of cold calling prospects, chasing friends and family around to take a look at your opportunity, or purchasing lead lists? Are you tired of going to meetings, calling memebers of your upline daily, and busting your hump with nothing to show for it. I know I was but that all ends today.

It just so happens that the old school way of network marketing just isn?t going to get it done in this day in age. The rules of network marketing are changing and failure to adapt to this change is why 95% of network marketers fail.

Take a look at the people in your upline. They probably make the business look easy. They probably always have new potential associates with them at meetings or watching company webinars. You think to yourself, ?if they can do it, I can do it.? You soon realize that it isn?t as easy as they make it look. You can?t get people to call you back and you start to second guess your decision. You?re not the only one. This is actually a pretty common occurrence among most network marketers.

Now think about this question, why did you get into your network marketing company? I?m going to use a vitamin company as an example. I?m sure that you didn?t get into your vitamin company because you wanted to sell vitamins. You had a need. You wanted to make extra money. The person who brought you into the business probably didn?t sell you on the idea of selling vitamins, they probably sold you on the idea of making extra money.

Now think about the person who showed you the opportunity. They probably explained the opportunity real well to you. You most likely saw them as very knowledgeable. You saw them as a person who can help you achieve your goals in the business. You probably couldn?t wait to join them because you probably saw them as successful.

That is no coincidence. If the person that brought you into the company had no clue about what they were talking about, do you think you would have bought in? You probably would have walked out the door and avoided their phone calls. But the person that brought you in built a trust with you. The relayed their knowledge to you and in return, you couldn?t wait to jump on board.

That is the key. They demonstrated their value to you and that led to you gaining a trust with this person. You trusted that this person knew what they were doing and that they could teach it to you. You can learn to do this. You can learn to become the person that people want to join.

That is why I want to give you a link to a 7 day bootcamp with attraction marketing guru and one of the top network marketers in the industry Mike Dillard. He will teach you how to attract people to you. No more cold calling prospects and chasing Uncle Joe around. So if you want to really explode your business and learn the secrets to becoming the hunted instead of the hunter, click the link below. If you want to continue to struggle with your business, just leave the page now.


If you are a struggling network marketer, you owe if to yourself to check out these videos. They are free and you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I look forward to speaking to you soon and being a witness to your future successes. Here is the link again http://hoop1304.magneticsponsoringonline.com

Enjoy your new found wealth,

Stephen Hooper

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Source: http://www.biokeys.org/810-stop-struggling-to-generate-leads-in-your-network-marketing-company.html

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