Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chicken Chorizo Stew |


beach cottage surfer boy stew chorizo recipe

G?day Beach Cottage girls!

Do you love yourself a little Too Easy fix it and forget it meal that you can sling in your slow cooker / crockpt, or shove on the stove top and do nothing else to?? Perhaps you have a hungry surfer boy or six in the house that you need to feed?

Well let me tell you, if there is one thing I can write about on this here blog, it?s throwing things in your slow cooker and coming out the other side looking very very good.


beach cottage recipe easy stew

This recipe has been with us for ages now ? it came about though through being faced with leftovers from a roast, a sad and lonely sausage, a few past their best carrots fading fast and more cans of pulses that one woman in an old cottage somewhere in a cottage Down Under could ever want or indeed, need.

I decided that the only thing for it was a dump & go in the old crock pot and hope for the best.

beach cottage blog recipes

I have spent a lot of time learning this craft of slow cooking?from the early days when I pulled out that little lonesome crock pot from the back of the cupboard when Beach Cottage Baby number 3 was a few months old and we could not face another plate of pasta and found many a recipe calling for a can of mushroom soup, to nowadays where I have up my sleeve a plethora of things that I have dabbled and fiddled with until I have got it right.

easy simple crock pot slow cooker recipe

I was, recently, on a cookery book reading marathon, there may or may not have been a bathtub and white subway wall tile involved.? While reading I was aghast to read one of the writers abhorring the use of one of these gadgets in his kitchen.? Dude?? Hello?!

Clearly, clearly, clearly, he had never sat on a tiled kitchen floor in the middle of an English village, about the month of August with a huge 10lb third baby and a husband out for 14 hours a day in floods of head-banging tears.? Clearly not.

But I dear Beach Cottage girls have and it is with this insight that I present you with another Too Easy Surfer Boy recipe.

beach cottage recipe collage

Make this for the males in your house, or indeed when the girls want to snuggle up on the sofa with comfort food and watch Meryl Streep movies and all will be so very good in the world.



2 x cans chickpeas

1 x can tomatoes

2 cups cooked chicken

2 x tbsp balsamic vinegar

1 to 2 cups chicken stock/broth

1 x large chorizo sausage

2 medium onions

2 carrots

handful fresh garden herbs

3 cloves garlic

salt & pepper



(serves 4-6)

1. add all to your crock pot / slow cooker

2. cook on high 4 ? 5 hours

3. serve topped with cheese & crusty bread

**Beach Cottage Recipe Notes

*adjust the chicken stock to your needs (ie how much time it will be cooking for) and your slow cooker hence why I have put 1-2 cups ? my new slow cooker cooks hotter than my old one and I find I am adding more liquid, best always to start with less then you can add more, but if it looks too liquidy (pls no grammar/spelling emails) just move the lid ajar and let some evaporate off?? *any vinegar will do but balsamic is good *you might want to lose a clove of garlic? *I often, especially if I feel like annoying my kiddos, add a teaspoon of dried chilli? *any old veggie sitting in the bottom of the fridge can go in here? * on the stove top / hob this works after an hour or so, which plausibly means that it can be hurried together when you get in, left while you do all the Arsenic Hour stuff and come back to it ready to go, but really a couple of hours is best *by large chorizo sausage I mean one that is about 6 inches long, let?s not get rude here *garden herbs to me mean anything that is thriving under the Aussie sun, here I threw in Oregano, Italian parsley, Thyme and a sniffle of Basil? *I mostly make this on Tuesdays with the leftovers and the bones from Sunday?s roast chicken, I throw the bones in a pot for the stock and use the chicken for the stew

There is not fancy schmancy here, the recipes I throw in my crock in the middle of the day when all in the world is good, will not, I don?t believe, win me any awards, indeed will not catapult me to the dizzy heights of tv reality fame on Masterchef or the like.

easy stew recipe

But, they will do many a thing.

They will mean my family think I am an awesome cook, which I am by far not, they will also think I slave over them, which I so do not (which in turn allows me some pretty good cards to present when needing to blackmail anyone for anything) and more importantly, in one big old fell swoop the recipes I pop in that little beauty, time and again, week in, week out, mean that all is done when we walk in the door from sport and that there is no clear up save throwing one big ole pot from one side of the kitchen counter to the dishwasher on the other.

Does a double whammy like that float my little Beach Cottage boat?

Oh yes, I do think so.

See you soon lovelies, I am back from a long walk by the sea with Barls, it?s pretty warm here today, there was talk of a swim too?

Sarah x

beach cottage recipe stew chicken chorizo

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